I’ve moved within co-created spaces throughout my adult life -
in D.I.Y spaces, temporary autonomous zones, festivals, clown collectives,
theatre collaborations, peoples kitchens, community centres,
in care work and activist projects.
These experiences are intrinsic to the way I perceive the world and work with others.
I’m currently involved in these creative collectives:

Balm & Tonic Collective of Fools
Started in Feb 2023 as an antidote to the ongoing implications of the pandemic, Balm & Tonic is a peer led soft play space for big hearted fools, with accessibility and collective care
at the groups core.
Some influences and shared languages that current group members have in common include: Holly Stoppit (fooling & therapeutic clowning), Franki Anderson (fooling), mindfulness
and non-violent communication.

After School Art Club
A peer led art collective - informed and structured along collaborative, co-operative and collective principles.
The group is formed with alumni of the course:
Art + Critique: Critical & Contextual Studies in Art Practice
- facilitated by Sophia Kosmaoglou
Image: A co-operative art school?
by Sophia Kosmaoglou

The Cube Microplex D.I.Y Art Space
The Cube is an independent, volunteer run arts venue/social project/adult creche in Bristol.
Presenting music, cabaret, discussions, amateur film-makers nights, children's events,
performance art, comedy, film and other events that can't easily be categorized.
The Cube is an independent, volunteer run arts venue/social project/adult creche in Bristol.
Presenting music, cabaret, discussions, amateur film-makers nights, children's events,
performance art, comedy, film and other events that can't easily be categorized.

The Cube bar, photo by Camille Straatman
Previous collectives I’ve worked with include:
School of the Damned Alternative MA:
Class of 22 - 24
Set up as an artist-led free postgraduate programme in London with 14 participants 10 years ago, School of the Damned morphed into a freewheeling hybrid of online and in person meetings, chats, workshops and exhibitions, with 50+ people
taking part in the 22-24 cohort across the UK.
Set up as an artist-led free postgraduate programme in London with 14 participants 10 years ago, School of the Damned morphed into a freewheeling hybrid of online and in person meetings, chats, workshops and exhibitions, with 50+ people
taking part in the 22-24 cohort across the UK.
With a mixture of people working in art, film, performance, publishing and fashion, the school focuses on
collaboration and consensus decision-making and each incoming year the cohort designs the school anew.
collaboration and consensus decision-making and each incoming year the cohort designs the school anew.

Arts of the Working Class Issue 26: Grassroots
The Class Work Project: A membership co-op running Exploring Class workshops
in political and social movement groups, and publishers of Lumpen - a journal of poor and working class writers.
Vehicles for Change: An organisation run by vehicle dwellers to protect and advance the rights of Bristol vehicle dwellers to live freely and creatively, while connecting with our wider communities to encourage acceptance and understanding of each other.
Creative Play Group: A collective of performers running weekly co-created clown workshops for 1 year.