I facilitate playful, therapeutic changemaking spaces.
My background includes Theatre of the Oppressed,
co-counselling, action learning, creative mentoring,
fooling and clowning.
I’ve worked with Reboot the Roots, Kin, CCI UK
and various co-created groups.
Find a list of previous workshops here.
Wonderful people & organisations I have learnt from,
who influence my facilitation practice:
Holly Stoppit (Creative facilitation, Clearness Committee,
Therapeutic Clown & Fooling)
ULEX Project (Creative Tools for Social Change &
Regenerative LGBTQI+ Activism)
Al Head (Ritual, Queer Paganism)
Graham Johnson (Producing, Wellbeing & Access)
Roseanna Dias/Studio Susegad (Creativity & Care)
Sophia Kosmaoglou (Co-operative Collectives &
Group Dynamics)
Community CoLab (The Art of Hosting)
Improbable (Open Space)
Shelagh O’ Neill (Feldenkrais)
Marco Nektan (Butoh)
Seed of Peace (Non-Violent Communication)
Facilitators/creators/activists who’s work is in my
current thinking on how I gather people:
Lama Rod Owens (Social Change & Spiritual Practice)
Franki Anderson (Fooling)
Bayo Akomolofe (Dancing with Mountains)
Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha (Disability Justice)
La Pocha Nostra (Live Art/Arts Activism)